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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Common Mistakes in Losing Weight

Many people have tried hard to lose some weight but their efforts are not successful yet. It can be caused by some common mistakes that obstruct you to lose weight. If you are having the same problem, you can check whether you also make these common mistakes.

The first is you eat too often. Well, it is believed that consuming small meals several times each day can reduce the weight but it will only work if the meals are truly small. If you eat foods that contain high calories and sugar too often in a day, of course you will gain more wait. The second one is you do not do resistance exercise. It is proven that higher intensity intervals will burn more fat and keeps your metabolism run. The third one is snacking. You must reduce this habits since you might not realize that snacking food contain more calories than your meal. The fourth one is not eating fruits and vegetables. You can start to eat more fruits and vegetables since they will make your stomach full without containing too many calories. The last one is you try to do all your weigh loss efforts alone. At least, you need someone to support you in doing your weigh loss program so that you can keep focusing on your goal.

Are you making those common mistakes all this time? Well, you can start changing your habit then. Good luck!

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